Any criminal charge is a serious matter. A charge can affect your future prospects, making it difficult to get a job or pursue further education. If you're facing charges, you'll need a criminal law attorney in El Paso, TX. The Law Office of Henry Aguirre can represent you during your case. Attorney Aguirre will work diligently on your behalf and ease your concerns throughout the process.
Call 915-533-0504 now to speak with a criminal defense attorney.
Whenever you need a criminal law attorney, attorney Aguirre can represent you. He can help you with a variety of situations, including those involving:
✔ Misdemeanor offenses-handling minor charges
✔ Expungements-helping you clear your record
✔ Felony offenses-dealing with serious charges
No matter what you're dealing with, attorney Aguirre will work hard to help you obtain the best possible outcome for your situation. Reach out to him today if you need a criminal defense attorney.